Lysander Funds Ltd.

Portfolio Managers

Independent investment firms, backed by decades of experience managing specialized investment strategies.

Canso Investment Counsel Ltd.

Credit and Deep Value, Balance and Global Equity

Canso’s extensive credit analysis experience helps avoid overpriced and risky issuers and identify securities that are undervalued given their credit risk and potential return. Canso tends to exploit illiquidity, buying when fear is prevalent and selling into enthusiasm. Canso does not avoid risk but rather ensure that credit risk is priced appropriately and that investors are compensated for the risks they assume.

Fulcra Asset Management Logo

Fulcra Asset Management Inc.

High Yield Fixed Income

Fulcra employs a fundamental value investing approach to identify underpriced securities. It is a focused firm with one mandate and strongly believe that a well diversified portfolio can be achieved with exposure to 20-25 individual companies. In order to identify situations with the most upside potential, Fulcra plays in the weeds to find the opportunities larger firms miss.

Slater Asset Managment Logo

Slater Asset Management Inc.

Preferred Shares

Slater is an independent asset management firm specializing in Canadian preferred shares. Due to several complexities in the asset class, buying and selling opportunities are created by active and constant evaluation for mispricing in the different sub-sectors of the Canadian preferred share market. Slater takes an opportunistic approach in identifying high-quality preferred shares that are at a discount to the market.

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Triasima Portfolio Management Inc.

Balanced and World Equity

Triasima is known for its unique Three-Pillar Approach™, which combines fundamental, quantitative, and trend analysis in a rigorous, yet innovative, investment process that remains consistent under all market conditions. Triasima’s investment approach consists of combining three analytical methods to add depth and insight to conventional analysis and provide a more thorough analysis of market conditions and individual stocks.

Crusader Asset Management Logo

Crusader Asset Management Inc.

Canadian Equity Income

Crusader’s investment philosophy is guided by the overarching principle that all investment solutions should be carefully calibrated to the investor’s risk tolerance. Crusader carefully structures investment advice to provide a balanced view that draws upon its strategic, macroeconomic and quantitative skills and disciplines.

Seamark Asset Management Logo

SEAMARK Asset Management Ltd.

Balanced and Global Equity

Seamark takes a prudent approach to investment management services with a long-term focus on preserving and enhancing its clients’ assets over the long-term. Seamark seeks first to protect, then to grow the value of client assets. Experienced and accessible investment professionals have followed a team-based process that consistently applies clearly articulated investment principles to meet the investment objectives.

Patient Capital Management Inc.

Global Equity

Patient Capital is an independent manager that employs a highly disciplined and focused investment strategy anchored in absolute value. It focuses on preservation of capital and only invest in securities that meet very strict criteria for value and quality. Patient Capital invests exclusively in well-established companies that it can analyze and understand with a high degree of certainty.

Pembroke Management Ltd.

U.S. Small and Mid-Cap Equity

Pembroke, an employee-owned firm established in 1968, creates long-term value by investing in high-quality, growth-oriented companies through a disciplined, fundamentals-driven approach. Pembroke emphasizes quality over quantity, selecting well-managed companies with strong fundamentals and growth potential while avoiding high-debt and an unnecessarily diversified portfolio. By partnering with management teams that share their vision, Pembroke focuses on long-term value creation and building portfolios of future market leaders.