How does Lysander Create Value?
Lysander works with registered Investment Advisors to find solutions to challenges facing investors in today’s markets. Lysander strives to understand the needs of the investor, the Investment Advisor and the dealer to provide intelligent solutions for modern portfolios.
Lysander’s Partner Portfolio Managers have been carefully selected based on long term track records of investment success, integrity and specialized investment experience. Our Partner Portfolio Managers offer institutional style management and high conviction portfolios across various asset classes. Both Lysander and our Partner Portfolio Managers are invested alongside our clients in our products.
Our Story
Lysander Funds is named for the Westland Lysander, an aircraft developed for the Royal Air Force toward the outset of the Second World War.
The Lysander was known for its unique design and dependable performance which proved essential in its use during covert missions behind enemy lines.
This aircraft embodies our philosophy, applying innovative but disciplined thinking to consistently reach targets, regardless of the turbulence of the financial markets.
Tim Hicks, Lysander Funds Founding Partner, discusses the Lysander name and the founding of our firm in 2009.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Lysander Funds Limited (Lysander) believes that it is our social responsibility to give back to the communities where we live and work.
At Lysander we are proud to support: